Community Hub
We offer opportunities for extended learning beyond the core Academy day. Our extended provision through our Hub team is at the centre of our community work. The team deliver a wide range of services which engage public, voluntary and business sectors in the establishment of a centre of education and lifelong learning. We aspire for the Academy to be at the heart of our local community, recognised by others for our clear understanding and support of local issues and awareness of community needs.
At Oasis we recognise that people are not two-dimensional beings; we are each a whole person with a broad range of aspirations and needs and these needs are interconnected. To truly help someone with their educational needs, it is vital to also be aware of their emotional needs, spiritual needs and economic needs.
As such, we believe in communities that are holistic, interconnected and totally inclusive. We call our model for these communities ‘Hub.’ Watch the video above to learn more about our vision for Hub.
What’s happening at our Hub?
It’s an exciting time at the Oasis Broadoak Academy Hub. We have established a Hub working party, who meet each Friday during a coffee morning to plan how we can develop our Hub. Collectively, we have researched what the local community want in their area and we are now working to enable them to get it.
We want to share our amazing facilities with the residents around Broadoak. We currently offer the use of the hall and purpose built community kitchen for hire. In the future we intend to be a popular birthday party location, have a timetable for fitness classes and hobbies as well as becoming the ‘go to’ location for help and advice.
We want to share our academy with the community. In the next academic year, we intend to create a community café which will also house a library and a play area for toddlers. We will be hosting classes for food hygiene and basic first aid. We have the facilities for allotments and the space for a community farm.
The ideas are endless and the sky is the limit.
If you wish to get involved in the Community Hub at Broadoak, please contact:
Tel: 0161 330 3015
Please note due to the infection rates being high in Tameside Coffee Mornings are currently not going ahead.
Adult Courses
As a school we liaise with Tameside College and St Anne’s to provide courses for parents and adults in the community. We have provided academic courses leading to qualifications such as Teaching Assistants courses, Administration and Numeracy, which has led to some learners gaining employment. We have tried to cater for all adults, whether they’re employed or not, by offering evening courses, such as ‘Surviving Teenagers’ and ‘Positive Parenting’. Also provided are some enrichment activities such as Coffee Morning, Women’s Keep Fit and Women’s Netball. Most of these wonderful opportunities are offered free of charge and are open to all our parents and members of the wider community.