Joining our nursery
At Oasis Academy Broadoak we believe that children's transition into the academy is the key to successful, lifelong learning. We understand the importance of ensuring that children feel safe and secure and believe that the best way to do this is to work together to ensure that every child gets the best possible start. Our induction procedures in the Early Years ensure that children are given time to build solid relationships with adults and their peers and to settle into their new unfamiliar surroundings.
Stay and Play Session
This session is run by Early Years staff and give families the first chance to come into the academy and to meet some of the key members of staff. It is a fantastic opportunity for your child to explore their new surroundings with the comfort and support of having their key care giver there with them. This will make the transition to dropping them off much less stressful as they become used to the Nursery and staff.
Home Visits
We know that this first meeting is one of the most important parts of beginning our relationships with your child. It is important that this first meeting should take place in familiar surroundings. Many children will be coming away from home for the first time when they start school and we want them to feel safe and secure with the new adults they will be working with. During our visit we really want to know all about your child and to gain an understanding of how best to support them settling successfully into the academy.
Family Induction Sessions
You will then be invited to a Family Induction Session where you will have the opportunity to see the academy’s facilities and resources and most importantly it will be time for the children to ‘play’ and explore their new surroundings alongside their family. During the visit there will be plenty of opportunities for you to ask questions and you will be encouraged to play alongside your child. Following this, the children and parents will be set up with ClassDojo accounts where communication continues including pictures of learning, videos of staff reading and any useful updates. There is also a forum which parents can communicate with teaching staff should they have any more questions or concerns throughout the year.
Your Key Person
All children are allocated a Key Person in nursery and this is shared with parents at the beginning of the year. The role of the Key Person is to help your child feel comfortable and safe within the setting, particularly on transition. We know that when children feel safe and secure in their environment they are more confident to explore and try out new things. The key person is there to monitor, scaffold and extend learning, so optimum progress is made. They contribute individual information about their key children to the curriculum, so it is truly child-centred.
Although parents can share their concerns with all members of staff in early years, your child’s Key Person will be your point of contact. The Key Person will work more closely with your child during transition to ensure they settle and help to develop relationships with their peers.